Late Night Studio Talk

  • Wed 14.03.18 23 h
  • Thu 15.03.18 23 h
  • Fri 16.03.18 23 h
  • Sat 17.03.18 23 h

Each night after the evening performances, you can join us live from 23:00 h onwards in the PACT-Late Night Studio at the festival centre for a series of lively moderated after-talks reflecting on the events, themes and encounters of the day in the company of alternating special guests. Speckled with spontaneous contributions and music, the Late Night StudioTalks can also be seen on the following day at 

Sahar Rahimi & Philipp Schulte

WED 14.03. — SAT 17.03.2018 23 H 

In German and English

→ Essen
PACT Zollverein
Festival Centre


WED 14.03. 23 h
With Julian Warner / Oliver Zahn
Theme: “Black Panther” 

WED 14.03. 23.15 h
With Dr. Elisabeth NehringDr. des Leonie Otto (Jury members)
Theme: Jury selection process

THURS 15.03. 23 h
With Fabrice Mazliah

THURS 15.03. 23.15 h
With Frances Chiaverini
Theme: Whistle while you work (initiative that calls out sexism, discrimination, and harassment in performance/arts communities)

FR 16.03. 23 h
With Richard Siegal / Ballet of Difference
Theme: Ballet in the 21st century

FR 16.03. 23.15 h
With Johannes Ebert / secretary general of the Goethe Institute

SAT 17.03. 23 h
With Claudia Bosse / theatercombinat
Theme: (Political) Spaces

SAT 17.03. 23.15 h
With Eszter Salamon